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The schedule for this project is laid out in a Gannt Chart as seen below. This project takes place over 3 quarters of the CWU schoolyear; fall 2020, winter 2021, and spring 2021. Each quarter has an overarching theme for this project with fall being the designing phase, winter the construction, and spring is for the testing and evaluation of the device.


As a large portion of this project is composed of electronics, most parts will be sourced from the electronics supplier Digi-Key. The control board will be an Arduino Due bought from the Arduino store. All parts selected for the project can be shipped within a week. The funding and the labor for this project will all be supplied by Lucas Hill. As Lucas is also the one running the project and doing all of the labor, the actual money spent will be for parts and testing supplies totaling $102.86. The breakdown of the budget can be seen below.


During construction and testing, issues cropped up which required new parts to be purchased. The total cost of these replacement parts was $78.87 which caused the project to go overbudget as it was not planned for parts to entirely fail.

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